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Pricing and Information:

$35.00 one time Registration Fee - all studio dancers

$45.00/month for "Littles" HH Class Only (30-minute class)

$60.00/month Single Dancer

$40.00/month Each Additional Sibling - (Sibling Discount)

1 class per week


Dancers who are apart of our studio classes are required to purchase a costume later this season (cost approx. $75-$100) and practice attire for all performances. Dancers take part in all recreational performances such as: The Artichoke Festival, Monterey County Fair, Kiddie Kapers Parade, Salinas Parade of Lights, and our annual recital. 



Space is limited.

No experience required.

Strict attendance policy.

3 unexcused absence for dancers will result in being dropped from Studio Classes.

4 annual fundraisers are mandatory. 

Our Annual Dance Intensive is mandatory.

Dancer's must wear correct practice attire to attend class. (NCA shirt, sweats/leggings, tennis shoes, hair tied up and out of the face. No jeans and no dress shoes allowed.)



Studio classes run Monday - Thursday. Dancers will be assigned a class based on availability, age, and skill level.








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