NCA Dance Studio
Hip -Hop | Parades | Recreational | Competitive |Performance Teams
Pricing and Information:
No Registration Fee
$90.00/6 week session - non-studio dancer
$50.00/6 week session - studio dancer
1 class per week
These classes are a perfect fit for those who just want to focus on gaining dance experience. Sessional classes are put on by various guest choreographers. Each session may contain a new choreographer. Sessional classes are also geared towards dancers who are not looking to perform and/or looking for an activity in between other sports. Sessional classes occur for 6 weeks and then the session concludes. You may choose to enroll in the next available sessional class if you wish. This our Studio's alternative to putting dancers on a waiting list, due to the high demand of inquiries for Studio Classes, which our Studio Classes fill quickly each year.
Space is limited.
No costume costs required.
Limited commitment.
Do not participate in performances.
Our Annual Dance Intensive is optional.
SESSION CHOREOGRAPHER: Sophia Alcala from San Jose (Registration Closed)
Session Starts: February 1st
Session End Date: March 8th
*Sessions are held every Friday within the 6 week period. If dancers miss a session, they do not receive a make-up class or refund.